Navigating in Emacs
It is important to be able to navigate your files easily.
Thanks to the customizability of emacs you can change the default behavior in a few easy steps.
Change your file search to swiper like this:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-s") 'counsel-grep-or-swiper)
Sometime you just need to duplicate a line to make something close. Put this in your dot-emacs file:
(global-set-key "\C-c\C-d" "\C-a\C- \C-n\M-w\C-y")
lsp-mode usage
Use the following code to enable lsp-mode for php.
(use-package lsp-mode
:ensure t
(setq lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-enable nil) ;; works
(setq lsp-enable-symbol-highlighting nil) ;; works
(setq lsp-signature-render-documentation nil)
(setq lsp-completion-provider :none) ;; works
(setq lsp-diagnostics-provider :flymake) ;; underline error
(require 'lsp-mode)
(add-hook 'php-mode-hook #'lsp)